


编译原理 实验一 词法分析器设计

源代码仓库:CompilePrincipleLearning/experiment_1 · yusixian/CompilePrincipleLearning (

一. 实验目的#

1. 深入理解有限自动机及其应用
2. 掌握根据语言的词法规则构造识别其单词的有限自动机的方法
3. 基本掌握词法分析程序的开发方法
4. 能够设计词法扫描器程序,对源程序进行词法分析,并输出单词序列

二. 实验内容及要求#


已知某语言中各类单词的 DFA 如下图,编写程序实现:

1、输入:txt 文件(存放要分析的源程序)

2、输出:从输入的源程序中,识别出各个具有独立意义的单词,即基本保留字、标识符、常数、运算符、分隔符五大类。并依次输出各个单词的种别码及单词符号自身值。(遇到错误时可显示 “Error”,然后跳过错误部分继续显示)。




三. 实验过程#

1、设计的 DFA 转换图#

字母与下划线:letter -> A|B|…|Z|a|b|c|d…|y|z|_

数字:digit1 -> 1~9 digit-> 0~9

标识符定义:id -> letter(letter|digit)*

运算符定义:op -> +-*/%=!&|<>

关键字定义:keyword -> int float const bool void char double struct return if else while do static break for switch case default continue true false

界符定义:delimiter -> ; , ' " * */ ? : ( ) [ ] } { .

整型定义:int -> (+|-)(0 | digit1 digit*)

字符常量:char -> letter|digit|……

字符串常量:string -> char*

实型定义:double-> (0|(+|-)digit1 digit*)(.digit*)

我画的 DFA 如图



输出 Token 流为类型名称 + 种别码 + 值(该关键字 / 变量名 / 数字 / 运算符 / 界符),重载输出流。

struct Token {
    int type;   // 种别码
    string value;       // 值 关键字/变量名/数字/运算符/界符
    string category;    // 种别码对应的类型名称
    Token(int type, string value, string category) : type(type), value(value), category(category) {}
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Token& t) {
        os << t.category << ", type: " << t.type << ", value: " << t.value;
        return os;







#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
const string CategoryFileName = "./categoryCode.txt";
const string CodeFileName = "./code.txt";
string keywords[22];  // 关键字表 种别码1-22
string operate[28];  // 运算符表 种别码23-50
string delimiter[15];  // 界符表 种别码51-65
map<string, int> categoryCode;  // 种别码表
const string op = "+-*/%=!&|<>";
const int _EOF_ = -2;
const int _ERROR_ = -1;
enum { 
};  // 类型
string cat[10] = { "id", "int", "double", "operator", "delimiter", "keyword", "char", "string", "comment", "space" };
struct Token {
    int type;   // 种别码
    string value;       // 值 关键字/变量名/数字/运算符/界符
    string category;    // 种别码对应的类型名称
    Token(int type, string value, string category) : type(type), value(value), category(category) {}
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Token& t) {
        os << t.category << ", type: " << t.type << ", value: " << t.value;
        return os;
int pos, len;  // 当前字符位置和长度
string code, tempToken;  // 当前识别的字符串
vector<Token> tokenList;  // 存储识别出的token



readFile读取文件函数,返回一个 string 动态数组
peek探测下一个字符,若存在则返回该字符,否则返回 \0 即字符串结束符
isDigit判断字符 ch 是否为数字 0-9
isLetter判断字符 ch 是否为字母或下划线(即 A-Z a-z _ )
isKeyword判断字符串 s 是否为关键字(在关键字表中)
isOP判断字符 ch 是否为单个运算符(在 op 中)
isOperator判断字符串 s 是否为运算符(运算符表中)
isDelimiter判断字符 ch 是否为界符(在 operate 中)
judge核心函数,判断并返回当前字符(code[pos])的枚举类型,并对一些特殊的 token 进行处理后直接放入 tokenList(如注释、字符和字符串常量)
read_next核心函数,读取下一个字符,根据返回的枚举类型,将对应的 token 放入 tokenList
main主程序入口,从此进入,调用 init函数初始化






int main() {
    char ch = 'ss';
    string str = "Hello, World!"
    char ch2 = 's';
    double x = 10.31;/* some comment */
    int m = 0;
    int y = 310, m = 0.31;
    while(pos < len) {
        int flag = read_next();
        if(flag == _EOF_) break;
        if(flag != _ERROR_) {
            Token t(flag, tempToken);
            cout << t << endl;
        } else cout << "Error!" << endl;
    return 0;


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此次实验还是很有意思的,最终跑通的时候也是非常有成就感,个人感觉不用拘泥于用什么算法,只需要捋清楚自己的思路,如何设计才能使这个程序能正确识别?主要有一个优先级的思路,空格和换行符会被跳过,然后先判断是否为数字或者字母,在进行相应处理,然后进行一些特殊界符的判断,如字符串、注释等。我认为代码就足以很好的说清楚这个流程。这个程序暂时只使用常用符号(.)来支持小数,如果需要更多,可以在 judge 中的 isdigit () 后进行修改,改起来并不困难。显然,judge 函数中的函数还可以拆成更细致的几个函数,但这就等以后再补全了。





 * @Author: cos
 * @Date: 2022-04-05 00:10:59
 * @LastEditTime: 2022-04-08 02:37:49
 * @LastEditors: cos
 * @Description: 词法分析器设计实现
 * @FilePath: \CS\experiment_1\demo\main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
const string CategoryFileName = "./categoryCode.txt";
const string CodeFileName = "./code.txt";
string keywords[22];  // 关键字表 种别码1-22
string operate[28];  // 运算符表 种别码23-50
string delimiter[15];  // 界符表 种别码51-65
map<string, int> categoryCode;  // 种别码表
const string op = "+-*/%=!&|<>";
const int _EOF_ = -2;
const int _ERROR_ = -1;
enum { 
};  // 类型
string cat[10] = { "id", "int", "double", "operator", "delimiter", "keyword", "char", "string", "comment", "space" };
struct Token {
    int type;   // 种别码
    string value;       // 值 关键字/变量名/数字/运算符/界符
    string category;    // 种别码对应的类型名称
    Token(int type, string value, string category) : type(type), value(value), category(category) {}
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Token& t) {
        os << t.category << ", type: " << t.type << ", value: " << t.value;
        return os;
int pos, len;  // 当前字符位置和长度
string code, tempToken;  // 当前识别的字符串
vector<Token> tokenList;  // 存储识别出的token
// 读文件
vector<string> readFile(string fileName) {
    vector<string> res;
    try {
        ifstream fin;;
        string temp;
        while (getline(fin, temp))
        return res;
    } catch(const exception& e) {
        cerr << e.what() << '\n';
        return res;
void init() {
    vector<string> res = readFile(CategoryFileName); 
    // cout << "len:" << len << endl;
    for(int i = 0; i < 22; ++i) {
        keywords[i] = res[i];
        categoryCode[res[i]] = i+1;
        // cout << "keyword:" << res[i] << endl;
    for(int i = 0; i < 28; ++i) {
        operate[i] = res[i + 22];
        categoryCode[res[i+22]] = i+23;
        // cout << "operate:" << res[i + 22] << endl;
    for(int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) {
        delimiter[i] = res[i + 50];
        categoryCode[res[i+50]] = i+51;
        // cout << "delimiter:" << res[i + 50] << endl;
    res = readFile(CodeFileName);
    for(int i = 0; i < res.size(); ++i)
        code += res[i]+'\n';
    len = code.size();
char peek() {
    if (pos+1 < len) return code[pos+1];
    else return '\0';
inline bool isDigit(char c) {
    return c >= '0' && c <= '9';
// 是否为字母或下划线
inline bool isLetter(char c) {
    return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '_';
bool isKeyword(string s) {
    for(int i = 0; i < 22; ++i)
        if (s == keywords[i]) 
            return true;
    return false;
bool isOP(char ch) {
    return op.find(ch) != string::npos;
bool isOperator(string s) {
    for(int i = 0; i < 28; ++i)
        if (s == operate[i]) return true;
    return false;
bool isDelimiter(char ch) {
    for(int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
        if (ch == delimiter[i][0]) return true;
    return false;
int judge(char ch) {
    if(ch == '\n' || ch == ' ') return _SPACE_;
    if(isDigit(ch)) {
        char nextChar = peek();
        if(ch == '0' && nextChar == '.') { // 0.多少
            if(!isDigit(peek()))   // .后面不是数字
                return _ERROR_;
            tempToken = "0.";
            while(isDigit(peek())) {
                tempToken += peek();
            return _DOUBLE_;    // 8
        } else if(ch == '0' && !isDigit(nextChar)) { // 不是数字也不是.,说明是单纯的一个0
            tempToken = "0";
            return _INT_;   // 5
        } else if(ch != '0') {  // digit1
            tempToken = ch;
            while(isDigit(peek())) {
                tempToken += peek();
            char nextChar = peek();
            if(nextChar == '.') {
                tempToken += nextChar;
                nextChar = peek();
                if(isDigit(nextChar)) {
                    tempToken += peek();
                    while(isDigit(peek())) {
                        tempToken += peek();
                    return _DOUBLE_;    // 8
                } else return _ERROR_;
            } else return _INT_;    // 6
        } else {    // 0+数字
            return _ERROR_;         // ERROR
    if(isLetter(ch)) {
        tempToken = ch;
        char nextChar = peek();
        while( isLetter(nextChar) || isDigit(nextChar) ) { // 标识符~
            tempToken += nextChar;
            nextChar = peek();
        return isKeyword(tempToken) ? _KEYWORD_ : _ID_;
    if(ch == '\"') {
        tokenList.push_back(Token(54, "\"", cat[_DELIMITER_]));
        tempToken = "";
        char nextChar = peek();
        while(nextChar != '\"') {
            tempToken += nextChar;
            nextChar = peek();
        tokenList.push_back(Token(69, tempToken, cat[_STRING_]));
        tokenList.push_back(Token(54, "\"", cat[_DELIMITER_]));
        pos += 2;
        return _STRING_;
    if(ch == '\'') {
        tempToken = "";
        char nextChar = peek();
        if(nextChar == '\'') {
            tokenList.push_back(Token(53, "\'", cat[_DELIMITER_]));
            tempToken += code[pos];
            tokenList.push_back(Token(68, tempToken, cat[_CHAR_]));
            tokenList.push_back(Token(53, "\'", cat[_DELIMITER_]));
            return _CHAR_;
        } else if(code[pos] == '\'') {
            tokenList.push_back(Token(53, "\'", cat[_DELIMITER_]));
            tokenList.push_back(Token(68, tempToken, cat[_CHAR_]));  // 空字符串
            tokenList.push_back(Token(53, "\'", cat[_DELIMITER_]));
            return _CHAR_;
        } else {
            while(pos < len && nextChar != '\'') {
                nextChar = peek();
            return _ERROR_;
    if(ch == '/') {
        if(peek() == '*') {
            char nextChar = peek();
            tempToken = "";
            while(pos < len) {
                if(nextChar == '*' && peek() == '/') {
                    tokenList.push_back(Token(55, "/*", cat[_DELIMITER_]));
                    tokenList.push_back(Token(71, tempToken, cat[_COMMENT_]));
                    tokenList.push_back(Token(56, "*/", cat[_DELIMITER_]));
                    return _COMMENT_;
                } else {
                    tempToken += nextChar;
                    nextChar = peek();
            return _ERROR_;

    if(isOP(ch)) {   // op运算符
        tempToken = "";
        tempToken += ch;
        char nextChar = peek();
        if(isOP(nextChar)) {
            if(isOperator(tempToken + nextChar)) {
                tempToken += nextChar;
                return _OPERATOR_;      // 15
            } else return _OPERATOR_;   // 14
        } else return _OPERATOR_;       // 14
    if(isDelimiter(ch)) {
        tempToken = "";
        tempToken += ch;
        return _DELIMITER_;
    return _ERROR_;  
int read_next() {
    int type = judge(code[pos]);
    while(pos < len && type == _SPACE_) {
        type = judge(code[pos]);
    if(pos >= len) return _EOF_; 
    if(type == _ERROR_) return _ERROR_;
    if(type == _DOUBLE_) {
        // cout << "double: " << tempToken << endl;
        tokenList.push_back(Token(67, tempToken, cat[_DOUBLE_]));
        return _DOUBLE_;
    if(type == _INT_) {
        // cout << "int: " << tempToken << endl;
        tokenList.push_back(Token(66, tempToken, cat[_INT_]));
        return _INT_;
    if(type == _ID_) {  // 标识符
        // cout << "id: " << tempToken << endl;
        tokenList.push_back(Token(70, tempToken, cat[_ID_]));
        return _ID_;
    if(type == _OPERATOR_ || type == _KEYWORD_ || type == _DELIMITER_) {
        tokenList.push_back(Token(categoryCode[tempToken], tempToken, cat[type]));
        return type;
    return _ERROR_;
int main() {
    while(pos < len) {
        int flag = read_next();
        if(flag == _EOF_) break;
        else if(flag == _ERROR_) tokenList.push_back(Token(_ERROR_, "ERROR!", "ERROR"));
    for(auto t : tokenList)
        cout << t << endl;
    return 0;
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