


Data Structure Study Notes <5> Binary Search Tree and Balanced Binary Tree

I. Binary Search Tree#

1. What is a Binary Search Tree#

A Binary Search Tree (BST, Binary Search Tree), also known as a Binary Sort Tree or Binary Lookup Tree, is a binary tree that can be empty. When it is not empty, it satisfies the following properties:

  • The key values of all non-empty left subtrees are less than the key value of its root node.
  • The key values of all non-empty right subtrees are greater than the key value of its root node.
  • Both left and right subtrees are binary search trees.
    Source: Baidu Encyclopedia

2. Operations on Binary Search Trees#

(1) Find Operation in Binary Search Tree#

The value to be searched is X.

  • Start searching from the root node. If the tree is empty, return NULL.
  • If the search tree is not empty, compare X with the key value of the root node and proceed as follows:
    1. If X is less than the key value of the root node, search in the left subtree.
    2. If X is greater than the key value of the root node, search in the right subtree.
    3. If X is equal to the key value of the root node, the search is complete, return a pointer to that node.

Tail Recursion Implementation#

Position Find(ElementType X, BinTree BST) {
	if( !BST ) return NULL; // Search failed
	if( X > BST->Data )
		return Find(X, BST->Right); // Operation 1
	else if (X < BST->Data) 
		return Find(X, BST->Left); // Operation 2
		return BST; // Operation 3 Search successful

Iterative Function Implementation#

Position Find(ElementType X, BinTree BST) {
	while(BST) {
		if (X > BST->Data)
			BST = BST->Right; // Operation 1
		else if (X < BST->Data)
			BST = BST->Left; // Operation 2
			return BST; // Operation 3 Search successful
	return NULL; // Search failed

(2) Finding Maximum and Minimum Elements#

  • The maximum element must be at the end node of the rightmost branch of the tree.
  • The minimum element must be at the end node of the leftmost branch of the tree.
    Insert image description here

Finding the Maximum Element#

Recursive Function

Position FindMin(BinTree BST) {
	if (!BST ) return NULL; // Empty tree, return NULL
	else if ( !BST->Left )
		return BST; // Found the leftmost leaf node
		return FindMin(BST->Left); // Continue searching along the left branch

Iterative Function

Position FindMin(BinTree BST) {	
	if (BST) {
		while (BST->Left) BST = BST->Left;
	return BST;

Finding the Minimum Element#

Recursive Function

Position FindMax(BinTree BST) {
	if (!BST ) return NULL; // Empty tree, return NULL
	else if ( !BST->Right )
		return BST; // Found the leftmost leaf node
		return FindMin(BST->Right); // Continue searching along the right branch

Iterative Function

Position FindMax(BinTree BST) {	
	if (BST) {
		while (BST->Right) BST = BST->Right;
	return BST;

(3) Insertion in Binary Search Tree#

To ensure that it remains a binary search tree after insertion, it is crucial to find the position where the element should be inserted.

BinTree Insert(ElementType X, BinTree BST) {
	if(!BST) { // The original tree is empty, create and return a one-node binary search tree
		BST = malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode));
		BST->Data = X;
		BST->Left = BST->Right = NULL;
	} else { // Start looking for the position to insert the element
		if (X < BST->Data)
			BST->Left = Insert(X, BST->Left);
		else if (X > BST->Data)
			BST->Right = Insert(X, BST->Right);
		else printf("This value already exists"); 
	return BST;

(4) Deletion in Binary Search Tree#

Consider three cases:

  • If the node to be deleted is a leaf node: delete it directly and modify the pointer of its parent node.
  • If the node to be deleted has only one child: point its parent's pointer to the child node of the node to be deleted. Insert image description here
  • If the node to be deleted has both left and right subtrees: use another node to replace the deleted node (the minimum element of the right subtree or the maximum element of the left subtree).
BinTree Delete(ElementType X, BinTree BST) {
	Position Tmp;
	if(!BST) printf("The element to be deleted was not found");
	else if (X < BST->Data) 
		BST->Left = Delete(X,BST->Left);
	else if (X > BST->Data) 
		BST->Right = Delete(X,BST->Right);
	else { // Found the node to be deleted
		if (BST->Left && BST->Right) { // The node to be deleted has both left and right children
			Tmp = FindMin(BST->Right); // Find the smallest element in the right subtree to fill the deleted node
			BST->Data = Tmp->Data;
			BST->Right = Delete(BST->Data,BST->Right); // After filling, delete that minimum element in the right subtree
		else { // The node to be deleted has 1 or no child nodes
			Tmp = BST;
			if (!BST->Left) // Has a child or no child
				BST = BST->Right;
			else if (!BST->Right)
				BST = BST->Left;
	return BST;

II. Balanced Binary Tree#

1. What is a Balanced Binary Tree#

A Balanced Binary Tree (AVL Tree, Balanced Binary Tree), can be empty. When it is not empty, it satisfies the following properties:

  • The absolute difference in height between the left and right subtrees of any node does not exceed 1.
  • The maximum height of an AVL tree with n nodes is O(log~2~n)!

Balance Factor (BF, Balanced Factor): BF(T) = h~L~-h~R~, where h~L~ and h~R~ are the heights of the left and right subtrees of T, respectively.

2. Adjustments in Balanced Binary Trees#

RR Insertion — RR Rotation [Right Single Rotation]#

The problematic node (the troublesome node) is located in the right subtree of the node that was disturbed (the discoverer).
Insert image description here

LL Insertion — LL Rotation [Left Single Rotation]#

The problematic node (the troublesome node) is located in the left subtree of the node that was disturbed (the discoverer).
Insert image description here

LR Insertion — LR Rotation#

The problematic node (the troublesome node) is located in the right subtree of the left subtree of the node that was disturbed (the discoverer).
Insert image description here

RL Insertion — RL Rotation#

The problematic node (the troublesome node) is located in the left subtree of the right subtree of the node that was disturbed (the discoverer).
Insert image description here

Note: Sometimes, even if the inserted element does not require structural adjustments, it may be necessary to recalculate some balance factors.#

3. Implementation of Balanced Binary Tree#

Definition Part#

typedef struct AVLNode *Position;
typedef Position AVLTree;
struct AVLNode {
	ElementType Data;
	AVLTree Left, Right;
	int Height;
int Max(int a, int b) {
	return a>b?a:b;

Left Single Rotation#

Note: A must have a left child B. Perform a left single rotation between A and B, and update the heights of A and B, returning the new root node B.

AVLTree SingleLeftRotation(AVLTree A) {
	AVLTree B = A->Left;
	A->Left = B->Right;
	B->Right = A;
	A->Height = Max( GetHeight(A->Left),GetHeight(A->Right) ) + 1;
	B->Height = Max( GetHeight(B->Left),A->Height ) + 1;
	return B;

Right Single Rotation#

Note: A must have a right child B. Perform a right single rotation between A and B, and update the heights of A and B, returning the new root node B.

AVLTree SingleRightRotation(AVLTree A) {
	AVLTree B = A->Right;
	A->Right = B->Left;
	B->Left = A;
	A->Height = Max( GetHeight(A->Left),GetHeight(A->Right) ) + 1;
	B->Height = Max( A->Height, GetHeight(B->Right) ) + 1;
	return B;

LR Rotation#

Note: A must have a left child B, and B must have a right child C. First, perform a right single rotation between B and C, returning C. Then, perform a left single rotation between A and C, returning C.

AVLTree DoubleLeftRightRotation(AVLTree A) {
	A->Left = SingleRightRotation(A->Left);
	return SingleLeftRotation(A);

RL Rotation#

Note: A must have a right child B, and B must have a left child C. First, perform a left single rotation between B and C, returning C. Then, perform a right single rotation between A and C, returning C.

AVLTree DoubleRightLeftRotation(AVLTree A) {
	A->Right = SingleLeftRotation(A->Right);
	return SingleRightRotation(A);


Insert X into AVL tree T and return the adjusted AVL tree.

AVLTree Insert(AVLTree T,ElementType X) {
	if (!T) { // If the tree to be inserted is empty, create a tree containing node X
		T = (AVLTree) malloc(sizeof(struct AVLNode));
		T->Data = X;
		T->Height = 0;
		T->Left = T->Right = NULL;
	} else if( X < T->Data) {
		T->Left = Insert(T->Left, X);
		if (GetHeight(T->Left)-GetHeight(T->Right) == 2) { // Needs left rotation
			if (X < T->Left->Data)
				T = SingleLeftRotation(T); // Needs left single rotation
				T = DoubleLeftRightRotation(T); // Left-Right double rotation
	} else if (X > T->Data) {
		T->Right = Insert(T->Right, X);
		if (GetHeight(T->Left)-GetHeight(T->Right) == -2) { // Needs right rotation
			if (X > T->Right->Data)
				T = SingleRightRotation(T); // Needs right single rotation
				T = DoubleRightLeftRotation(T); // Right-Left double rotation
	// Update tree height
	T->Height =  Max( GetHeight(T->Left),GetHeight(T->Right) ) + 1;
	return T;

Complete Code Demonstration#

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef int ElementType;
typedef struct AVLNode *Position;
typedef Position AVLTree;
struct AVLNode {
	ElementType Data;
	AVLTree Left, Right;
	int Height;
int Max(int a, int b) {
	return a>b?a:b;
int GetHeight(AVLTree A) {
    if (A)
        return A->Height;
        return 0;
AVLTree SingleLeftRotation(AVLTree A) { // Left single rotation
	AVLTree B = A->Left;
	A->Left = B->Right;
	B->Right = A;
	A->Height = Max( GetHeight(A->Left),GetHeight(A->Right) ) + 1;
	B->Height = Max( GetHeight(B->Left),A->Height ) + 1;
	return B;
AVLTree SingleRightRotation(AVLTree A) { // Right single rotation
	AVLTree B = A->Right;
	A->Right = B->Left;
	B->Left = A;
	A->Height = Max( GetHeight(A->Left),GetHeight(A->Right) ) + 1;
	B->Height = Max( A->Height, GetHeight(B->Right) ) + 1;
	return B;
AVLTree DoubleLeftRightRotation(AVLTree A) { // Left-Right double rotation
	A->Left = SingleRightRotation(A->Left);
	return SingleLeftRotation(A);
AVLTree DoubleRightLeftRotation(AVLTree A) { // Right-Left double rotation
	A->Right = SingleLeftRotation(A->Right);
	return SingleRightRotation(A);
AVLTree Insert(AVLTree T,ElementType X) { // Insert X into AVL tree T
	if (!T) { // If the tree to be inserted is empty, create a tree containing node X
		T = (AVLTree) malloc(sizeof(struct AVLNode));
		T->Data = X;
		T->Height = 0;
		T->Left = T->Right = NULL;
	} else if( X < T->Data) {
		T->Left = Insert(T->Left, X);
		if (GetHeight(T->Left)-GetHeight(T->Right) == 2) { // Needs left rotation
			if (X < T->Left->Data)
				T = SingleLeftRotation(T); // Needs left single rotation
				T = DoubleLeftRightRotation(T); // Left-Right double rotation
	} else if (X > T->Data) {
		T->Right = Insert(T->Right, X);
		if (GetHeight(T->Left)-GetHeight(T->Right) == -2) { // Needs right rotation
			if (X > T->Right->Data)
				T = SingleRightRotation(T); // Needs right single rotation
				T = DoubleRightLeftRotation(T); // Right-Left double rotation
	// Update tree height
	T->Height =  Max( GetHeight(T->Left),GetHeight(T->Right) ) + 1;
    return T;
void PreOrderTraversal(AVLTree T) {
	if(T) {
		printf("%d", T->Data);
		PreOrderTraversal( T->Left);
		PreOrderTraversal( T->Right);
void InOrderTraversal(AVLTree T) {
	if(T) {
		InOrderTraversal( T->Left);
		printf("%d", T->Data);
		InOrderTraversal( T->Right);
int main() {
    AVLTree T = NULL;
    int i;
    for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
        T = Insert(T,i);
    PreOrderTraversal(T); // Pre-order traversal
    InOrderTraversal(T); // In-order traversal
    return 0;



Based on the pre-order and in-order traversals, it can be restored to form such a balanced binary tree.

Insert image description here

III. Determine if it is the Same Binary Search Tree#

Problem: Given an insertion sequence that determines a unique binary search tree, determine whether various input insertion sequences can generate the same binary search tree.

How to determine if two sequences correspond to the same search tree?
Build a tree, then check if other sequences are consistent with that tree!
For example, input 3 1 4 2 to determine a binary search tree, check if 3 4 1 2 and 3 2 4 1 correspond to the same tree.

1. Representation of Search Tree#

typedef struct TreeNode *Tree;
struct TreeNode {
	int v;
	Tree Left,Right;
	int flag; // Used to mark whether this node has been searched, 1 means searched

2. Build Search Tree T#

Tree MakeTree(int N) {
	Tree T;
	int i, V;
	scanf("%d", &V);
	T = NewNode(V);
	for(i = 1; i < N; i++) {
		T = Insert(T,V); // Insert the remaining nodes into the binary tree
	return T;
Tree NewNode(int V) {
	Tree T = (Tree)malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode));
	T->v = V;
	T->Left = T->Right = NULL;
	T->flag = 0;
	return T;
Tree Insert(Tree T, int V) {
	if(!T) T = NewNode(V);
	else {
		if (V > T->v) 
			T->Right = Insert(T->Right, V);
			T->Left = Insert(T->Left,V);
	return T;

3. Determine if a Sequence is Consistent with Search Tree T#

Method: Sequentially search each number in the sequence 3 2 4 1 in tree T.

  • If every node passed during the search has been searched before, then they are consistent.
  • Otherwise (if an unvisited node is encountered during a search), they are inconsistent.
int check(Tree T,int V) {
	if(T->flag) { // This point has been searched, check whether to search in the left or right subtree
		if(V < T->v) return check(T->Left,V);
		else if(V > T->v) return check(T->Right,V);
		else return 0;
	else { // The point to be searched is exactly this point, mark it
		if(V == T->v) {
			T->flag = 1;
			return 1;
		else return 0; // Encountered a point that has not been seen before

Determine whether the tree generated by an insertion sequence of length N is consistent with the search tree.

int Judge(Tree T,int N) {
	int i, V, flag = 0; // flag=0 means currently consistent, 1 means inconsistent
	if (V != T->v) flag = 1;
	else T->flag = 1;
	for(i = 1; i < N; i++) {
		scanf("%d", &V);
		if( (!flag) && (!check(T,V)) ) flag = 1;
	if(flag) return 0;
	else return 1;

Clear the flag marks of each node in T to reset them to 0.

void ResetT(Tree T) {
	if(T->Left) ResetT(T->Left);
	if(T->Right) ResetT(T->Right);
	T->flag = 0;

Free the space of T.

void FreeTree(Tree T) {
	if(T->Left) FreeTree(T->Left);
	if(T->Right) FreeTree(T->Right);
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